In their podcast series Sermon on the Mount, the BibleProject team devoted several episodes to the Lord’s Prayer. As part of their offering, they asked guest song-writers to set the prayer to song. Many of their listeners followed suit, contributing some really wonderful original scores. I felt inspired to do the same thing, but I settled on adapting a classic melody from Beethoven — adjusting the rhythm to make it more suitable for a tender, personal prayer.
Although I tried to be capture the spirit of the Lord’s Prayer (Matthew, 6:19; Luke 11:2-4), I took some significant liberties in the lyrics (e.g., referring to God as our Sustainer, suggesting that life and love are daily opportunities, omitting references to temptation and evil). As such, I didn’t feel right labeling it as the Lord’s Prayer. Nevertheless, the lyrics did feel right — for what they were.
I used Lilypond and Frescobaldi to generate the music score. I formatted the output so that it would render better on a cell phone. That way, it is a portable prayer/song. It can be sung out loud, in your head, or a little of both. Feel free to linger more on words that resonate with you or otherwise adjust the rhythm and tempo.